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The Unconscious — Week 2 Lecture for CLIT7007: Art and Politics of Narrative (MALCS HKU)
Myth — Week 3 Lecture for CLIT7007: Art and Politics of Narrative (MALCS HKU)
Ideology — Week 5 Lecture CLIT7007: Art and Politics of Narrative, HKU (Part 1/2)
Seriality and Variation — Video Lecture CLIT7007: Art and Politics of Narrative, HKU
Revolution — Week 5 Lecture CLIT7007: Art and Politics of Narrative, HKU (Part 2/2)
Political Allegory in Video Games
Art, Politics, and June 4th (1 of 2)
the libidinal problem: ssris and arousal
Wicked Lyotard Seminar 1
Philosophy As Adventure: Land’s Libidinal Materialism
Panel #4 - Julie Gaillard - Beyond Representation? After Lyotard’s Libidinal Set-ups